

Also, check out this well-done animation on prescription drugs from JibJab.com

I'm really excited about this artist: Regina Spektor. She sings and plays piano so I guess you could say she's like Tori Amos, but she's not, she's one of those weird eclectic performers who inhabits her own little category. She has a voice that reminds me of a blend of Tori and Bjork, and she experiments with voice and instrument rhythms like Ani. But she has a certain whimsical playfulness that I think makes her stuff unique. She's a little off-kilter like an insane kitten batting at its latest kill, and that makes her fun to listen to. That's my artist review for today.


I had early enthusiasm for Stella, a new Comedy Central show which stars 3 of the people from The State. But many of my colleagues were hesitant after seeing some of the earlier skits they posted from their touring comedy troupe days (too many dildos evidently). Well Comedy Central has posted the first episode in its entirety! Here it is! It's definitely dumb humor, but it's been toned down a bit so even when it's not super-funny, it's pleasantly absurdist and enjoyable. But that's my take, see for yourself. You can see the earlier, less-refined sketches here.


OMG! I'm very excited about Comedy Central's new Stella series! The State is BACK, man! It turns out that Michael Ian Black, Michael Showalter, and David Wain have been doing Stella as a stand-up act for a while and it's becoming a show. Here's a page with a ton of video clips. Looks promising.


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